Additionally, there is an emphasis on the fact that no type or sub-type of being is more or less important than another and that this hold true in every moment-and-space-of-all-existence.
Dr. Kazimierz Maupa explained to me that types of beings known to Humans of Earth include, but are not limited to:
- Rock
- Dog
- Human
- Tree
- Ocean Water
- House
- Oxygen
- Happy
Types of beings also have sub-types.
Examples of Tree of Earth sub-types are:
- Oak
- Ash
- Thorn
- Birch
- Fir
- Christmas Tree
- Tree in Fall
Notice how some of the above sub-types are sub-types of other sub-types. Interestingly, a Fir of Tree of Earth can be a sub-type of Christmas Tree of Tree of Earth and vice versa. Such examples are many and fun to look for.